Our certification of the environmental management system according to DIN ISO 14001
Worms - Germany
We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully obtained certification of our environmental management system in accordance with DIN ISO 14001. This confirms our commitment to environmentally friendly actions and sustainable business practices.
What is DIN ISO 14001?
DIN ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard for environmental management systems. It provides a framework to help organizations continuously improve their environmental performance, meet legal requirements and achieve environmental goals. Certification demonstrates that we systematically and effectively address environmental aspects and take measures to reduce negative impacts.
Our path to certification
Our certification process began with a review of our existing environmental management practices and how they could be integrated into our existing management system. As part of this analysis, we identified strengths and areas for improvement. We developed an environmental policy that clearly defines our commitments and objectives in the area of environmental protection. Based on this, detailed targets and programs were created to address specific environmental aspects. These programs included measures to reduce waste, save energy and emissions and conserve resources. We have also established mechanisms for regularly monitoring and measuring our environmental performance.
Advantages of certification
Our DIN ISO 14001 certification brings numerous benefits for our customers and partners. Our certification confirms our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices, which strengthens their trust in us. Hofmann guarantees compliance with the relevant environmental laws and regulations, as well as efficient use of resources and waste reduction. By continuously improving our environmental performance, we actively contribute to the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources.
Our commitment to the future
We are proud to have received this certification and are committed to developing even more innovative solutions and using environmentally friendly technologies in the future to further improve our ecological footprint.
By the way: In addition to our certification according to DIN ISO 14001 environmental management system, the Hofmann quality management system is certified according to DIN ISO 9001.
We would like to thank our employees for their commitment and dedication, which has made these certifications possible.
For further information about our environmental management system and our environmental goals, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail qualitätsmanagementcheck-if-spam@hofmannmaschinen.com
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