Successful training at Hofmann Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
Worms - Germany
Three of our Hofmann trainees have successfully completed their training at the end of January 2021. We are happy, together with our young colleagues, that they are now allowed to wear the title of trained industrial mechanic or electronics technician for industrial engineering.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, a lot of flexibility and commitment was required from the trainees and trainers. Despite the difficult conditions, they demonstrated diligence and stamina and completed their training with very good results. So nothing stands in the way of a great start to their careers.
Since Hofmann always offers demand-oriented training, we plan to take on our trainees in the long term after they have successfully passed their final exams. Therefore, we are proud that we were able to take over these three colleagues into an employment relationship.
We congratulate our colleagues on their great success and look forward to further cooperation.
If you would like to learn more about our apprenticeship program at Hofmann, please take a look at our apprenticeship section.
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